The Friends are 501(c)(3) organizations, comprised of Osceola County citizens interested and concerned with promoting service and literacy for their library and community. Membership dues start at $5.00 yearly (January to December), with larger donations gladly accepted. Membership applications can be picked up at the library branches. Membership can be either Active or Supportive.
Correspondence can be mailed to the address below for all groups.
Friends of the Library
P.O. Box 2087
St. Cloud FL 34770-2087
Email us:
Become a Friend of the Library today!
Download the Membership Application and get started with making a difference in your community.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Book Sales
The Friends of the Library hosts book sales across branch locations throguhout the year. Proceeds made in these book sales go back to the Library in suppport of programs and events. Learn more on our Donations page.
Friends of the Library of Osceola County, FL
The Osceola Friends serves as the umbrella organization for the local branch groups. Reusable “green” bags are available for a nominal donation from all groups.
Our Mission: To Build a Partnership with the Library and the Community Through Literacy.
The Board meets monthly, the second Tuesday at 11am at the Hart Memorial Library. Check the online event calendar for confirmation.
Board of Directors
President: Joan Touzin
Vice President: Camille Levee
Secretary: Elaine Paskuna
Treasurer: Mary Thiele
Liason Members
Virginia Toombs (St. Cloud)
Dorothy Gensur, Elaine Paskuna (BVL)
Buenaventura Lakes Friends of the Library
President: Dorothy Gensur
Treasurer: Elaine Paskuna
Vice President/Acting Secretary: Vacant
Public Relations: Carol Hardeman
St. Cloud Friends of the Library
The St. Cloud Friends of the Library meet on the 3rd Thursday at 1pm in the Thornton Room. Our purpose is to a) promote literacy and reading, not only in the community, but also in the county, state, and nation and b) to encourage gifts/memorials of funds, books, art objects, etc. to the Library.
New members are always welcome.
President: Camille Levee
Vice President: Virginia Toombs
Secretary: Trish Titer
Treasurer: Linda DeVenuto
Publicity: Camille Levee