Homebuyer Workshop

Homebuyer Workshop

Take the next step into Homeownership with a First-Time Homebuyer Workshop happening in August! At the Hart Memorial Central Library on Saturday, August 12 at 9am, Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County, will be presenting a FREE workship where you...
Nutrition Class at BVL

Nutrition Class at BVL

Interested in learning how to make healthier choices? Every Monday, starting August 7 at 1pm, the Buenaventura Lakes Library will be hosting several classes where Nutrition experts teach you how to make healthier choices and cook delicious, affordable meals at home....
Volunteer Fair

Volunteer Fair

Interested in volunteering? Don’t know where to start? Come to the Poinciana Library on Saturday, August 19, for the Volunteer Fair!  Starting at 12pm, the Volunteer Fair is a great place to find an organization that fits your interest. Make a difference in your...
COHS at the Library

COHS at the Library

Career Online High School (COHS) offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and a career certificate online. This program provides a limited number of scholarships to qualified students who are looking to advance their careers and prepare...
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

Pride Month started over 30 years ago with the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. With a proclamation from former President Clinton in 1999, “gays and lesbians, their families and friends, celebrate the anniversary of Stonewall every June in America as Gay and...
Summer Learning 2023

Summer Learning 2023

The Osceola Library System invites you to our 2023 Summer Learning Program, “Find Your Voice.” This theme encourages us to use our voices to share stories, express ourselves, and spark change. Our voices include not only the sound we make, but the art that we create,...